Rubbish & Landfill
The Southern Cross Landfill Facility is now operational to the public during the stated operating hours. The landfill access road feeds off Southern Cross South Road, approximately 4.6km’s south of the Great Eastern Highway intersection.
The landfill facility is a staffed site, please ensure you follow directions from the attendant for your safety, and the safety of others using the site. To ensure costs are kept to a minimum, the operating hours for the site will be restricted.

1:00pm to 4:00pm
1:00pm to 4:00pm
1:00pm to 4:00pm
10:00am to 4:00pm
10:00am to 4:00pm
Residents will not be charged for depositing residential waste at the site during opening hours. Please make sure you bring with you some form of identification that shows you are a resident of the Shire of Yilgarn.
Commercial operators will be charged as per the fees and charges; these are available HERE. There will be no money transactions onsite; all commercial operator payments will be via EFTPOS at the Shire admin office (measuring and quoted price will occur at the landfill site, and then call 9049 1001 for over the phone payment). Local contractors may be eligible for an account - please contact the Shire Administration Office to enquire.
No scavenging will be permitted, however we are considering a recycling area.
Bulk cardboard and comingled recycling bins will still be located at the Southern Cross Sports Grounds for use at any time.