Shire Office

Customer Services

Shire office

  • Animal registration (cats & dogs)
  • Bush fire services and information
  • Dept of Transport agent (vehicle and drivers licensing, boat registrations/renewal payments)
  • Facility bookings/hire
  • Health & building services
  • Maintenance requests (ie: grading)
  • Payment of rates, fees and charges
  • Ranger services
  • Road usage permits
  • Tourism information
  • TRANSWA bookings (train & bus)

Contact Details

Street Address 23 Antares Street, Southern Cross WA 6426
Postal Address PO Box 86, Southern Cross WA 6426
Phone 08 9049 1001
Fax 08 9049 1429
Business Hours

Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm

Department of Transport transactions Monday to Friday 8.30am - 3.00pm

If you have any suggestions, enquiries or complaints, please do not hesitate to contact the shire by clicking here.

Shire of Yilgarn Organisation Structure